This panel is dedicated to the list of materials present on the object and the possibility of manipulating, editing and modifying them.

This panel is dedicated to the list of materials present on the object and the possibility of manipulating, editing and modifying them.
This button will search for all the materials present in the project.
If the selected object already has materials applied, the material selected in the list will be replaced with the one searched and confirmed by this popup.
In case the object has not applied any material, the material will be directly applied to every face
This button will search for all the materials present in the project data.
If a material is selected from the list, it is added to the object.
If the object has no material, the material is applied to all faces of the object
If you activate this button (Blue) and press the green Replace button, all objects in the scene that are using the material selected in the list will update with the material selected from the library.
This button is used to create a copy (Make Unique) of the material selected in the material slot list.
This is useful when the material is used by many objects and you want to make some edits on the selected only.
Theese are all the material slots containing all materials currently applied to the selected object.
Some of them could be invisible, if they didn’t get assigned to any face of the model.
You can browse this list using the Search object Material.
In most cases materials have Displacement maps: the button next to the material can activate displacement on the object.
If the material does not have a displacement map, the button is not shown.