You can choose how often to check for updates (every 1 – 3 – 7 days).
You can set the size of preview and popup icons.

Show material popup label lets you have the material name under popup icons.

Show Download debug gives you additional informations during materials download.
Show Hidden sockets lets you reveal all hidden sockets of the node tree in the shader editor.
Auto UV map creates an UV Map when the object doesn’t already have one.
Smart texture limiter takes Eevee limitation of 24 textures per material into account, and it eliminates the excess textures, starting from the FX layers, down to the modules.

Show group options adds a dropdown menu on the shader node tree.

Safety paint UV Map prevents the UV layer of the texture paint from being selected if you’re not in Texture Paint mode.
Anti Crash On some computers there is an abnormal crash when adding a material.
The bug has been reported to the Blender Foundation; until the cause is understood, keep this active if you encounter any abnormal crash applying the materials.